About Me

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I am a cheerful person who simply likes to live a life that is as bright as the morning sunshine and not as dull as the gray sky during stormy days. I appreciate simple things in life--smiles and simple joys make my day warm. I am always in a journey of finding out who I am. I am constantly trying to know what I really want to do for me to appreciate life at its best.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The BackyardiCATS

I don't know exactly where these cats came from but they have been with us for quite some time. Actually, there are more than five cats living in our backyard but they usually come and go.

These cats know exactly what to do every time I open the back door. They would rush near the door and make some noises--meow! meow! meow! It makes them excited whenever they hear the squeaking sound of the plate. For them, it signals that there is food on the way. Oh well, just some left overs and there's not much for each of them. So, it's a battle of the fastest, and the fastest cat gets the food, yum!

We haven't really thought of giving them names but I think the black cat's name is Batman, and that's according to my son, Kurt.
quite a homey box for this cat, right?

Near my aunt's house, there are piles of boxes and stuff, and these cats have somehow made this area a place where they can just sleep and relax. Just take a look at the photo on the right side. The cat seems so comfortable resting like a lazy cat just like Garfield.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Way To A Man's Heart...

I am quite sure you have all heard about this famous quote, "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach."  Well, for me it could be maybe, possibly or perhaps absolutely? It's not that I want to defend myself of not being a good cook. I admit that I am not a kitchen-person, though there are times I like experimenting in the kitchen--good thing the dishes don't end up tasting like an experiment gone wrong.
Here's a little humor about this quote:

"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach"
--only when he's hungry. Try saying this when he's on a full stomach. I bet you'll go crazy calling him for dinner when he's busy in front of his PC monitor.

--if you can't cook ladies, let's try the other way. Men are not hungry for food alone but they're hungry for you. He'll love you more for this.

So, just remember ladies, there are may ways through a man's heart. We just need to figure out which way.

Monday, August 29, 2011

A Visit to Papa's Haven

          Yesterday, I visited my father at the Forest Lake along with Kurt and Ryan. The place was quiet and there were only a number of people who were also visiting their loved ones that morning. When we got there, there were flowers and used candles on his headstone. Perhaps, it was our relatives who paved a visit last August 25 which was my father's 40 days.

         We found solace under the shade of a big tree near my father's grave since the scorching heat of the sun almost had us burnt alive--just kidding! We stayed there for about 30 minutes and while we were there I took the opportunity of taking some photos of the surrounding including my father's headstone as shown in the photos below--ahm, wait a second, did I say surrounding? Well, not really, but just part of it since I was really the subject of the photo shoot...haha.

      "So happily remembered, so sadly missed" are the words engraved on his headstone...

                                     Kurt was trying to light those match sticks and he succeeded...

                                                                       I like this view...

                                               but this view is way better because I am in it...

                                                         A destruction? That's just my back!

                                                          Hey, Kurt! What's on your mind?


                                           Ryan is the Black Riding Hood of the Forest Lake...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Legit Employer or Just Another Online Sexual Maniac?

          I have recently registered to this site wherein freelancers or online English teachers can post their profiles or resumes to attract students to take online classes with them. Since it's a free site and everyone can view your profile, there are certainly some dangers or risks involved. Some online maniacs are on the loose looking for victims who will fall prey into their dirty hands.

          Few days ago, I received a message from a stranger. He sent me a message through Skype informing me that he saw my profile at this certain site for online teachers, and so I replied back. Luckily (or unluckily, which I believe is the more appropriate word), he was online at that time. He introduced himself and told me that he's from Ireland and he's currently here in Palawan, Philippines for a vacation. He said that he's looking for a personal secretary who can travel with him wherever he goes and he needs a secretary to arrange his flight and hotel bookings, and do some paper works for his business. He provided me with the compensation package. But, knowing that it's impossible for me take this kind of job, I immediately informed him that as much as this job holds a wonderful opportunity, I need to turn down the offer. Then, he offered me another job which I can do at home as his virtual secretary--sounds amazing, right? And here's more, he said that he was going to pay me a sum of 10 USD per hour. With this amount of money he was offering as a compensation, I thought that perhaps the tasks might really be a tedious one considering the amount he was willing to pay. However, at that moment, I was already having doubts. I wondered whether this man was really a legitimate employer or just another scammer or even worst, a predator. Though having these doubts, I still allowed him to interview me.

          I was suddenly dumbfounded when he told me about his conditions if I were to work as his virtual secretary. He requested that if I'd be working for him, I need to pretend that I'm single--was he kidding me, seriously? And this even sounded very unprofessional, he asked me if I have a Facebook account. He even made some remarks that I look like a Mexican actress--well, I was flattered for a second with that remark. But what really surprised me the most was him telling me that I can be a model and wear bikinis--now, this was way too weird. I mean, what was the connection between hiring me as a virtual secretary and bikinis?--none, right? Besides, wearing bikinis are still far from my list of wishes. Then, he asked me if could stand up because he wanted to see my whole body. It made me furious because it was all clear to me that this guy was nothing but an online sexual predator. I needed to get away from this "scam-a-lama-ding-dong" and so I ended the conversation and removed him from my contact list.

          It is just quite disappointing that there are some maniacs who pretend to be employers, and taking advantage of people's profiles posted on different job sites. They sound very professional when they interact with you. First, they try to win your trust by saying a lot good stuff about you, but this is just one of the many strategies they use until they finally achieve in convincing you to do what they want. Think twice before doing anything and try to verify the employer's background if possible.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Self-Made Quotes

Here are some of the quotes I made myself which I posted in Facebook.

"I have never been to Prison but I have already been a prisoner on probation. Now, I am on Parole"
 "Men should stop spoiling women falsely with their "overrated praises"---it's like making a piece of bronze appear gold."
"They say Truth Hurts, but it's the Truth But why don't I get hurt when someone tells me I'm beautiful? Does it mean it's not true?"
"The End of Sanity Marks the Beginning of Freedom...--- I'm somewhere halfway of it"
"It's difficult to make a better Choice when your Options are nothing less than a piece of trash."

Friday, August 26, 2011

My Affair with C!

It's all love no hate relationship with my true love, C. I can't simply start my day right without the savoring company of C. I admit that I could not resist the temptation and it simply cripples my mind and body not having C even for just one day. Oh well, before you make any conclusions, I am just referring to my cup of COFFEE.

The sweet, bitter, and creamy taste of coffee is just the perfect beverage for my palate--be it hot or cold. The most number of cups of coffee I had in one day was 6. Most people would probably end up wide awake and unable to sleep but believe it or not, the moment I rested my head on my pillow that night, I instantly fell asleep. The coffee did the trick...hahaha

There have been many research and articles about coffee. Some say it's good for the health because it has antioxidants which lower the risks of cancer, heart disease, and memory loss. And of course, here's the best part which I like the most, they say it keeps you looking young.

Have a Cup of Coffee!

Old Blog Out...New Blog IN!

I just deleted my previous blog and made an entirely new one which I named "Chill 'n Chillax." I simply didn't like some of the articles I posted in my previous blog. Also, I have not updated it too for quite some time. I hope this one will be a better blog with interesting articles. Too bad I didn't export some of my articles from my previous blog but anyway I am looking forward to a wonderful and fresh blog.